
Thursday, March 5, 2009

橫眉, 冷笑, 千夫指(上)

古時侯, 奸夫淫婦假如被人發現姦情, 就要捉去浸豬籠.

假如附近沒有河流又如何? 電視劇"火舞黃沙"說, 在黃土高原之上, 沒有河流失貞婦女就要被點天燈. 而在聖經中, 猶太社群中(由於不食豬, 大概也不能浸豬籠, 因為跟本沒有豬籠), 則用石頭打死.

這類私刑可謂各處鄉村各處例, 花樣層出不窮.

現 代人追求自由戀愛, 甚至自由性愛, 自然不讚成因犯姦淫而將人處以死刑, 也不讚成私刑. 其實古時官府(中國/猶太也好)都不允許私刑, 只是拿地方鄉紳沒法子而矣! (情況如同早前一班鄉民對待一隻黑狗的虐待類似.) 法不罪眾, 全村人行私邢殺死一男一女, 你罰得邊個?

假如真的做下傷風敗德之事, 一旦東窗事發, 也不能怪任何人, 在古代, 只有認命抵死.

上周未, 玩查經. 查約翰福音8章. 講一個行淫時被人捉姦在床的淫婦因為耶穌一句話而死裡逃生的故事. 令我想起一首 Billy很喜歡, Michael Card的詩歌 Forgiving Eyes.
詩歌很特別地用那個以為只有一死之淫婦的眼光, 去看看:


「什么是赦免? 什么是原諒?」

「什么是主持公道? 救命? 和拯救?」

Forgiving Eyes

by Michael Card

Surrounded with shouts the cruel accusations
Dragged to the court no hope of salvation
All hope was lost for those who had caught me
Knew what I was, They knew all about me
I thought it seemed strange as we entered in
They stopped a young rabbi to ask His opinion
Caught in the act, their reason for hating
My body could feel the stones that were waiting
My judge a man from Galilee
In His eyes so gentle I could see
A father and a brother and a son

Just as I saw Him
The hope I had lost became born again
I was not hopeless though I'd been lost
Now, I felt I was found when He looked at me
With His forgiving eyes

The crowd gathered round, so angry and violent
But He stood beside me, peaceful and silent
Then with a word
With one question He showed them that
They too were guilty and could not condemn
The next thing I knew He asked me, Where are they
And I looked around the courtyard was empty
The stones scattered round, the warm morning sunlight
He'd made the darkness perfectly light
In this new light now I understood
He would not condemn me though He could
For He would be condemned someday for me


在古代沒有自由戀愛盲婚啞嫁的年代, 姦淫擄掠又是否情有可原呢? 假如是情有可原, 那么今日有了自由戀愛, 為什么反而更多婚外情, 包二奶和離婚過案? 為何人在可自由選擇的情況下更變本加厲? 選擇了卻始亂終棄, 是否比古代更罪無可恕呢?

在"火舞黃沙"裡面, 余詩曼和陳豪的自由戀愛是用鮮血換來的, 經過多次離離合合, 生死關頭, 幾年的尋尋覓覓才換來「百頭到老, 永結同心」.
但今日, 伴侶是一件我們可以貪新忘舊, 因了解而分開的消費品? 還是 commit 一生的愛眷呢?

另一方面, 如果我們有一天犯了一些連自己也不會原諒自己/抱憾終生的事.這些事不要以為沒有, 其實多到盡, 例如:

  1. 轉工後即因金融風暴被炒;
  2. 書到用時方恨少;
  3. 揀錯科, 揀錯工;
  4. 認為自己和他/她做隻貓, 做隻狗也不應做情人;
  5. 認為自己生舊叉燒好過生仔;
  6. 子欲養兒親不在;
  7. 年輕時太忙, 傷了身體;
  8. 年輕時太忙, 欠了時間陪家人;
也許, 你也可以扮一回「淫婦」, 看看你是否找到「耶穌是誰?」找到祂給你的那份原諒. 重新接納自己, 努力面前, 重新開始新生活.

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