
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


選舉終有結果, 保守黨羸得過半數議席勝出, 自由黨和魁人黨今次各輸了 40多個議席, 成了大輸家, 新民主黨則由 37個議席, 喪昇至 102 個議席, 成了第一大反對黨.

加拿大共分 308 個區, 每區有一定人口和代表一定議席. 議席最多那個黨主席就當總理.
議席若過半數大部份議題都可通過, 否則每次都要和其他黨合作投票, 若被否決, 那么議會就要解散重選.

過去 7年, 4 次大選, 都是因為「小數」政府, 今次重新「多數」政府, 令政治版圖起了巨變.
偏右打經濟牌少收稅的保守黨勝出, 左傾打福利牌增收稅的新民主黨則成了第一大反對黨. 有人話這是國民理念更分化的確據. 其實經濟和福利大家都關注, 只不過國民希望政府照顧經濟之餘, 也關心福利而矣.

之前 Billy 寫了編英文禱文, 在這裡轉載:

Did you barking like a dog yesterday? "vote, vote, vote, vote....." if you are a Canadian citizen, you should.

2011 Federal Election, Canadians voted for a majority conservative government and Canadians also voted for a new strong NDP as the opposite party.

To me, this is a F5 "refresh" combination

Conservative vs NDP,
yes!! it represent conflicts in values, in ideas, in ways, in Canada
but no!! we can do better than merely "vote vote vote" barking against each others
Conservative & NDP,
it represent opportunities to respect, to talk, to learn, to co-op, to O(ther) Canada

Pray that Mr Harper will keep his promise as a trust worthy leader.
Pray that Mr Layton will keep his promise to monitor & promote fairness.
Pray that the 39% "majority" government will have wisdom to lead Canada in righteousness and judging truly and straight behaviour
Pray that the government will still carefully respect, listen, remember, understand and serve the 61% "minority" voters' voice, concerns & needs

And above all,
"we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free!"

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