
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bilibala post 14/06/ voted & why !!

Egg: 吾係HK IP 先可以vote?
Bilibala: yes.
Banana: How u get the confirmation number? They required hk mobile to send it.
Bilibala: ask a reliable person or relative in hkg to help u
Fig: Hmm, if we take this seriously, a HK vote should be for people residing on HK, no?
Bilibala: 公民提名,唔係居民提名!yes, i take it very serious.
Fig: First lemme declare that I have no stance on this issue, I'm genuinely politically neutral, not just because of what I do.

I just thought if it takes a proxy IP address and another person's mobile phone number to vote...was it not intended for votin
g by persons not residing in HK? If I vote for stuff in Toronto while in HK, pretending I'm in that not right?
Fully appreciate how u are so serious and concern about HK and our future Billy 哥,we need more people like u in HK... physically.
Bilibala: 就咁,我雖在多倫多但投了票,因為:
1. 不想被投票
2. 想投票(這次公投係問你想特首選舉方法係點?答案係洗唔洗一人一票?in orther word, if 我係公民,想唔想有份投呀?想,咪投lor,唔洗la, 咪唔投lor.)

3. 基於上面兩點,如果因為冇ip or hkg sim 而令一個處海外公民投唔到,係大會既limition, 我咪take extra mile 授權人幫我lor.
4. 我認為係system limitation 而非指定只有居民(那七日在港)才有權投(理解可能錯)因
a. toronto有official 票站有近400人投左,証明只要海外團體配合,大會歡迎海外投
b. 大會話三案合國際要求,而國際要求係18+公民即使身在海外,有權更有義務投,若只居民可投,這反是違背了 c. 台灣同美國有選舉誤將海外票視作廢票,結果布殊同陳水扁的勝出反被質疑
5. 假設我誤會,大會只准居民投,那用回佔中核心價值必要時以非法達義才是正道. 我投票反而更顯正義
6. 投票人乃是我,冇造假
7. 投票只代表我(公民)想投票,某程度上冇政治表態,因為假如我愛死689,我投佢?我才算表態. 也許今次70万人有50万支持689? who knows, 點解唔比係表態,已經是政治表態?只不過是政府將它定為非法才變得超級政治化,不然,投票行動只是公民責任而非政治支持什么
8. 我不能也沒有身心理佔中,不願付法律責任. 但既然有一班人肯咁做,為港人爭取,我做既有限,但投一票代表我發聲支持. 連這點也做不到(我只代表自己)我覺得好禮義廉. 相比之下,如果我因為什么 hkg ip / hkg sim 而do not, 或覺不妥,我就太于腐!
9. 同意在港居民有更關心香港既進步空間,但again, all i did is just vote as a citizen's responsibility. 身在海外更有此責,但我不怪港人,我不身在其中,不能怪人為何沉默.
10. 海外同胞也有大用,當年革命就係靠佢哋出錢出力
11. 我欣賞同尊重你既政治中立,事實上你唔同別人,岡位也最好中立而中立想來俾幫邊個邊個更難更要有智慧同忍耐
12. thx u for asking and 為差人叔叔發聲,未必有用,(我亦)未必(有人)認同/接受,唔係因為什幺"i enjoy fredom of discussing an arguement....", 我認為依家互相了解更多那些只一點點只得三四個人好重要.
Apple: agree with ur 4a &b.
上次美國選總統,i was not sure if obama 連任会係好定吾好,佢個对手又吾見得好,所以冇去美國領事館投票. but at least i know that i have the right to vote even though i'm not in usa.
this time it is very obvious that which option i want to choose, so i went and voted.
我一向都对政治吾敏感,but from what i have seen and experienced in the past few years, if we (hk citizens ) keep silence, very soon hk will become another ordinary city in china-- corruption and lack of freedom.

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