Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
我和管++的家(7) 這么遠 那么近
來自南非的豬脷人住近瀑布, 秘魯的爬地住在百里以北, 荷蘭的凡界住在密市以南, 沙梨住在經屎循.....離市心三百多公里, 等如香港返工卻住到廣西, 喪遠.
話說當他們移民來加之時, 在地圖見到那些地方"鄰近"多倫多, 就隔山買牛, 從此在那裡落地生根. 這或者是講笑.
較可靠/可能的解釋是他們移民要一切重新開始, 不知生計有冇著落, 周邊城市樓價較多倫多實惠, 只要住在火車路沿線, 一小時左右去到市心, 用時間定距離, 其實跟住屎加寶同人逼日日故障的地鐵差不了多少.
本來計劃搬去 major mac + woodbine or kennedy(木排區), 個個中國人/朋友爭住搬入的地段. 但這地段除了樓價被炒貴之外, 交通是否更方便有疑.
首先, 如果以華人(新興)聚腳點而言, 它的確方便. 但我們的生活不需要近華人聚腳點.
因它是華人聚腳點, 老佛爺, 小得, 表哥, 管++的叔叔, 不少朋友都在那, 也許這才是我們一再考慮它的原因.
最後我們還是放棄這打算, 而選擇再住北移到烈治文邊皮(花名: 木屋區). 這或許令老佛爺和小得甚至管++的叔叔費解. 但這仍是經深思熟慮的決定.
1. 木屋區5分鐘到火車站, 比烏龍快12分鐘, 比木排區快6分鐘.
2. 管++返工會和烏龍一樣, 但比住木排將省下由 400 到 woodbine 以東約8公里非常塞車的路段.
假如她轉到市心返工, 將和 billy 在 #1相似.
3. 沒有火車, billy 可以搭地鐵轉一程巴士回家, 但在木排, 一定要有車接送或有多架車才成.
4. 去探老佛爺, 雖然比木排用多 10分鐘, 但講緊周五, 六, 日, 加上由於近高速公路, 已經比烏龍快 10分鐘.
5. 我們不用近華人商場, 也不用近那些追求最高成績的學校, 若只求一兩所好學校, 鄰近幾間超市任我選, 木屋跟木排不相伯仲, 就算未必更好
當然, 其周邊住屋環境, 房屋可供選擇的外觀和室內結構間隔, 以致價錢等, 是另一些考慮因素, 下一回繼續分享
我和管++的家 series:
1. 家+屋
2. 祈禱篇
3. 我的好處不在你以外
4. Location location vocation
5. 能否學校主
6. 樓市不跌又升之謎
7. 這么遠 那么近
8. 計算後的不計算
9. 兩條平衡線的交匯處
10. 不同起跑線上
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
但願人長久 (North Bay Newsletter)
可恨是當我們心裡想放過對方也放過自己時, 偏偏嘴頭卻寸步不讓, 對著上司老師會恭敬, 朋友會客氣, 家人愛人呢? 要狠? 要贏!
什么時侯表達自己的理據, 什么時侯聆聽對方的感受, 或許是我們終身學習的功課罷! 在我還未完全學懂的那些年(大概一輩子也不會學滿師), 我感恩我可以向主耶穌祈禱. 同媽媽, 同太太(以前是女友)吵鬧過程中/事後祈禱.
祈禱沒有令我變得更有道理(我當然有合情合理之處), 也沒有像滅火筒般令對方息怒. 但主耶穌透過祈禱令我有耐性去聽對方(即使我可能覺得強詞奪理)的道理和心聲, 令我有份珍惜去主動和好, 令我有勇氣為傷害了對方感受講"對不起".
我想"但願人長久"可以由向主耶穌祈禱開始, 試一試有何妨?
當晚也介紹了教人溝通的書 five languages of love, 上網可找到其網頁並相關測驗.
(先指聲明, 在你還未掌握之前, 就會有人怪你為什么讀完仍舊這般: p )
我們正在密鑼緊鼓地籌備10月的感恩節晚會(吃過傳統月餅, 來試試老外的), 請為我們能夠真真正正弄到火雞餐祈禱, 好讓我們一起品嘗一下這點加拿大風土人情. 誠邀所有北灣學生參加, 也盼望見到更多多倫多朋友投入這義 工行列.
正因為月有陰晴圓缺, 我們更需學會感恩. 而學會感恩的一個方法就是施與. 因為主耶穌說過,"施比受更為有福." 有見及此, 11月會舉辦shoe box聖誕鞋盒之夜, 將禮物滿滿放入鞋盒, 送給發展中國家比我們貧苦消瘦, 但笑容滿臉天真無邪的小朋友.
在 thanks giving (感恩節) 之後, 懂去 give(付出)....詳情請溜覽網址.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
蜜月 london d2 考古 尋找me to you的故事
在云云大不同之中, 愛逛博物館是一例外. 來到倫敦, 只有兩日, 給大英博物館一日也值. 若有三日, 給它其中兩日也好得無比.
大清早, 連放假就要睡多一會的管++(註二)在晚上也循循善誘的管教好鬧鐘, 好讓它有如聖靈般在神光出現時就搏命鬧醒我們.
我們還是去了農夫市場. 今次來到它旁邊的一間小咖啡店. 管++被它的人龍所吸引.
又見裡面陳設好有特色. 我相信管++的觀察力和眼光, 她是我的眼, 否則我注定要走馬看花, 錯過世上許多美好的事物.
咖啡店除了咖啡, 什么都是可以任你放入碟內就食. 感覺就好似在家裡, 同著一班小朋友, 唱著歌仔, 拿起麵包食, 好似苦海孤雛咁.
當然飯前或飯後洗唔洗手冇人理你, 老實地要付款啦!
歎完杯牛奶咖啡, 坐地鐵入博物館.
只有一天時間, 我們決定集中火力只遊覽古代文明(埃及, 亞述, 希臘和中國).
這是研究古埃及文明最有價值的羅塞塔石碑, 在拿破倫時期出土, 後來他在海戰輸給英國佬, 英國佬就順手牽碑了.
這石碑最特別之處是它除了已失傳古埃及象形文以外還刻了兩種文字: , 俗體埃及文, 和古希臘文.
起初, 考古學家認為另外兩種文只是後期人環保地用同一塊碑 recycle 刻另一堆字, 正如你去埃及會發現不少石碑有中文簡體字"某某到此一遊"等字又或者一個大三角形, 下面刻住 billy l 管++ 加個心心, 那些都和原有的古文全無關係(假如一千年後再被發現).
通常石碑出現最多的字是 xx王, 戰這些字, 憑著這幾個字估計是但由於古埃及象形文早巳失傳,
翻譯極端困難. 情況就好似九陰真經用中文音譯梵文寫下道家內功心法, 要一位精通中文梵文, 又會道家的武林中人才解通一般,考古學家花了許多時間也譯不出埃及象形文, 直到這碑文面世, 才被那些精通數學, 物理, 考古, 語言學, 希臘語和埃及俗体文的專家破解.
令以後的人了解古埃及以至古西亞(近東)文化有突破性的了解. 這碑文實在功不可沒, 它也是大英博物館其中一件鎮館之寶.
聖經中的世界也就是西亞世界, 穿梭於歷史, 縱橫於古埃及和亞述兩大展館(對了解聖經, 特別舊約, 列王紀, 被擄, 那幾段時期的背景有許多幫助.)
令我聯想到以賽亞書19章記述, "當那日, 亞述, 埃及和以色列三國一起聚首一堂敬拜主"這一遠景. 照字面去理解, 這事從未發生過, 直到今天, 我們只見到回教國家和以色列一團糟的局面. 然而, 若從當時局勢看, 這遠景其實一早實現了. 埃及和亞述是當時世界的超級強國, 他們也敬拜以色列這小國的神? 有冇攪錯?
你能想像美國奧巴馬, 俄羅斯普京陪思歪和坉地波一起高唱獅子山下, 香港是我家嗎? 冇可能罷!
但你今日可以見到奧巴馬祈禱, 普京返教堂崇拜, 兩個國家的國民(你可以話他們原教者主義)一起敬拜同一位神. isnt it amazing?
博物館設有"聖地遊蹤團", 由歷史學師生帶你走過聖經大地, 每一個相關的展品, 並詳細為你講解. 可惜今次太趕, 只能買本書, 來個聖經自由行.
剛去完希臘, 再來到英國大英博物館參觀希臘展館, 感覺好奇怪. 冇錯, 我去過宙斯廟, 上過衛城, 在巴特農神殿前拍照, 但在希臘雅典, 這一切偉大建築, 當時令人引以為傲的地標, 如今只淨下地基, 幾條柱, 和室內展館的一些雕像. 我當時想或許這就是歷史歲月無情的洗禮罷!
誰會想到巴特農神殿的地基和柱在雅典, 而它的牆和屋頂, 上面精巧的浮雕會在倫敦?
(粗的留在雅典, 最正的都在倫敦, 再正確點說, 當初發掘到任何搬得走的都搬到倫敦.)
通常博物館的展品是透過捐贈和全球拍賣會購買, 亦有像安省博物館般借回來作有限期展覽, 而大英博物館的展品, 我敢說有大半都是歷年侵掠掠奪返來的.
做賊偷了搶了被人捉到是要坐監, 可是一個帝國偷了搶了卻可以向列國炫耀.
我在希臘展館找到一段講解,"1803年, 由於當地政府怕文物被有可能發生的戰火破壞, 故懇求英國幫忙, 收留一切, 給予保護". 嘩! 真難為你!
一如 life of pi, 我在雅典的考古文化博物館卻有另一個版本記在牆上,"許多文物在1803年被英國奪去, 放在大英博物館, 此後多次爭取, 依然不肯歸還. 我們會繼續盡最大努力, 令一切可完碧歸趙"云云.
大概世間上有許多糾紛不只是觀點角度的問題, 然而是非曲直往往不是有道理一方就能取勝. 更何況今日真正追求真理的人少了, 君不見我們查考默想聖經, 都較強調分享和個人感受么? 就算研經講道也是應用大過天, 我們是活脫的彼拉多, 問一句"真理是什么?"轉頭問眾人有什么分享就下決定就有釘他十架這application. 到最後還可理直氣壯地答, 我有洗手, 釘十架不正正成全神心意么?
從考古學的發展史去講句公道話. 考古正正就是偷和搶.
昔日那有為了什么保育, 文化研究做考古? 去得掘地就是盜墓者. 不是 indiania jone, 冇 national treasure 藏寶圖, 要成功盜墓就要學, 就要花功夫和經驗做研究. 如何憑土質的不同去斷定一塊正常過正常的土地底下有一個仍未被發掘的寶藏? 寶藏通常是王, 貴族, 大戶墓中的陪葬品.
一直到拿破倫, 一個愛打仗玩吞食天地同時會帶住班盜墓者打到邊掘到邊做研究和掠奪的傳奇人物, 才有了考古學(官方有牌賊仔"專職盜墓"的雅號, 也可說是拿破倫師領一個行業出黑暗入奇妙光明, 成了有君尊的考古學派)
英國法國又搶又偷, 何止希臘? 今日中國文物工藝品, 收藏最精在大英博物館, 其次台灣, 第三才是北京故宮. 例如全球只淨下八十多個宋代羽窰, 倫敦有五十幾個. 擺出來的只是十多個, 其餘四十個收藏在地庫中.
大英博物館話, "它只展出約 5% 文物, 要找什么特別專題, 不用借, 只需從地庫挑選相關文物就成了."
可見什么 national treasurer, 說英國佬在發現美洲就將一切寶物運了來, 藏在紐約聖三一教堂下一定是假! 真正 national treasure, 一直都在那些國家博物館中. 難以相像如果大火, 地震什么災害會造成多少損失 :p
Me to you
在博物館蹓蹥忘返到不能不走的地步, 才帶管++出發找 me to you的+人
me to you 是隻在英國出生的熊仔, 聽管++話, 她的身世可憐, 小時侯被人遺棄街頭, 全身破損, 在冷冷的室外鼻哥凍傷了, 變了藍色. 在me to you 奄奄一息那刻, 被一位好心婆婆拯救, 用針線和碎布收補 me to you 的損傷. 婆婆一直照顧 me to you, 直到遇見管++ 這位善心姑娘, 就將 me to you 交託給管++了.
結婚前, me to you 一直住在 billy家, 由一直無微不至照顧 billy 的"三福被"姐姐負責暫時臭住她. 直等到管++來.
今次到英國的重任就是尋找 me to you. 誰不知那 me to you store 周六都關門, 開動 gps 找第二間, 豈料那店已經變了一間美容店. 見到管++扁起小嘴, 憂憂愁愁, 千里迢迢的來探 me to you 家人, 卻踏了個空 :(
billy 心裡默默禱告,"主啊, 今次大鑊, 主啊! 救我, 找不到me to you ar"(好一個無關痛癢的祈禱) 話還未說完, 一路人經過, 告之同一條街, 走多一個半地鐵站位置有另一家店, 周六應該開, 可去試試. 我們隨即找麥當勞叔叔借用wifi上網, 確認了地址和store hour, 花了近兩小時, 讓管++尋訪到me to you 的+人, 為me to you 帶來了幾封來自英國的家信. 感謝主! 多謝好心的路人甲同埋無所不在, 伴我們同行的麥當勞叔叔.
探完 me to you, 又要為這次蜜月旅程劃上句號! 為什么渡假只有兩個星期這么短? 為什么咁快就返工? 面對工作上的壓力, 老細面色越來越難睇, 二人生活的適應, 老佛爺和小得的生活適應, 這都是我在蜜月中仍不斷思考的題目. 感謝主賜給霧都倫敦三日的天朗氣清, 現在反而是我將要走進一團迷霧中, 也是我真的要 me to you呼求的開始.
主啊! 救我!
你給我的 retreat 要到幾時?
為什么會走埋一齊, 互相欣賞, 擦出火花到拉埋天窗, 直到談婚論嫁時也有人抱懷疑的客氣詢問.
billy 是個什么都冇乜所謂, 但對讀聖經同解聖經, 分析, 投資同理忄財有自己一套執著, 不會因為聽了人家分享或權威意見而心動和改變的人.
這是billy過去成功的因由, 為了保証將來就算不成功, 也不致捉蟲得罪神, 神將一個保惠師(我稱為魔鏡)放在billy身邊, 就算billy任何人都不理, 聖靈也給滅了聲, 我仍然會耐心聽她嚕嚕囌囌的, 那個人就是管++.
billy 是這樣做決定.
人是看外表, 神是看內心, billy + bilibala need both.
放假當然該更早起床, 因為時間屬於自己嘛! 不過管++認為既然如此就該再睡片時.
經過幾次旅行, 我們終於找到大家開心的方案, billy 仍舊晨咁早起床, 讀下聖經, 睇書, 寫 blog, 等管++起床才出發, 景點就唯有一個起兩個止.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Bilibala Finance updates 13/09/19
Bilibala Finance 投資財金, 勝負難分, 分析技藝, 受用一生
Bilibala finance 除了帶你進入財金世界, 分析大市走勢, 企業財務報告, 估值評估. 也帶你穿梭 billy ++bilibala 的分析過程, 他的交易, 持有, 甚至挫敗經驗. 借此反照一個投資者如何跌進, 如何打破那 70% 人失敗的宿命. 作為一個基督徒投資者在一個變幻莫測的金融領域學習作神有所為有所不為的忠信管家.
仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.
Recent Transactions / Comments
- Bought Barclay Plc (BCS) at US$17.87, since price dropped 8% due to wronly interest charged to customers but I don't think such impact worth $5B in market cap.
- Sold 100% LVMH (LVMUY) at US$40.5, as it excess my valuation price.
- Sold 100% China Shenhua Energy (1088) at HK$26.1, coal price should remain high in 4Q, but I would like to sell it to strengthen my cash flow for the next falling wave.
Performance (as of Sep 19, 2013) | ||||||
2013/09 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
| |
US S&P | 21.0% | 13.4% | 0.0% | 12.8% | 67.2% |
CA TSX | 4.0% | 4.0% | -11.1% | 14.4% | 57.0% |
UK FTSE | 11.2% | 5.8% | -5.6% | 9.0% | 56.4% |
HK HIS | 3.7% | 22.9% | -20.0% | 5.3% | 104.9% |
CN SHI | -3.4% | 3.1% | -21.7% | -14.3% | 96.8% |
Bilibala | 7.6% | 23.1% | -7.6% | 6.4% | 115.2% |
By region
- US 43%
- Emerging 34%
- Canada 16%
- Europe Market 7%
By Industry
- Insurance 20%
- IT 13%
- Banking 13%
- Telecom 11%
- Consumer 10%
- Energy 7%
Top Holding (over 70% concentration, as of Sep 19, 2013)
1. Google Inc (GOOG) since 09 btw US$287 - 601
Google Inc. (Google) is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Company's business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue.
2. China Mobile (CHL) since 05 btw HK$36 - 76
China Mobile Limited is a telecommunication company which provides mobile telecommunications and related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and directly-administered municipalities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. As of December 31, 2012, its total customer reached 710 million. The largest in the world.
China Life Insurance Company Limited is a China-based life insurance company. The Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in writing of life insurance business, providing life, annuities, accident and health insurance products in China. It has a dominant market shares of above 40% in China's life insurance in force policies.
4. Manulife Financial (MFC) since 09 btw CA$9.7 - 19.5
Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. The Company's segments are Asia, Canadian and U.S. Divisions and the Corporate and Other segment. The Company's international network agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to clients. It also provides asset management services to institutional customers.
5. Tiffany + Co (TIF) since 10 btw US$46 - 55
Tiffany + Co. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiary companies. The Company's principal subsidiary, Tiffany and Company (Tiffany), is a jeweler and specialty retailer whose principal merchandise offering is jewelry. Its the 2nd largest Jewelry company in the world.
6. Wells Fargo (WFC) since 08 btw US$12.5 - 25
Wells Fargo +Company is a bank holding company. The Company is a diversified financial services company. It has three operating segments: Community Banking, Wholesale Banking and Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement. It is also the largest investment in Warren Buffet's Burkshire Hathaway stock portfolio which he bought & hold and still keeps buying for over 20 years.
7. China Construction Bank (0939) since 05 btw HK$2.4 - 5.35
China Construction Bank Corporation is a commercial bank. The principal activities of the Group are the provision of corporate and personal banking services, conducting treasury business, the provision of asset management, trustee, finance leasing, investment banking, insurance and other financial services. The bank has approximately 13,629 domestic branches, it is the second largest bank in China by market capitalization.
8. General Electric (GE) since 08 btw US$9.5 - 22.3
General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified technology and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products.
9. The Walt Disney Company (DIS) since 09 US$29 - 45
The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The Company operates in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive.
10. Starbucks Corporation (SBUK) since 10 btw US$31 - 46.5
Starbucks Corporation is a roaster, marketer and retailer of coffee operating in 60 countries. The Company purchases and roasts coffees that it sells, along with handcrafted coffee, tea and other beverages and a variety of fresh food items, through Company-operated stores. As of September 30, 2012, it operated 9,405 Company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores.
11. Suncor Energy (SU) since 11 btw CA$29 - 33.5
Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company. The Company is focused on developing petroleum resource basins-Canada's Athabasca oil sands. In addition, the Company explore for, acquire, develop, produce and market crude oil and natural gas in Canada and internationally, and the Company transports and refines crude oil, and market petroleum and petrochemical products primarily in Canada. The Company operates under three segments: Oil Sands, Exploration and Production, and Refining and Marketing.
12. Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) since 11 btw US$63 - 68
Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) is an independent oil and gas company. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other energy-related businesses.
13. TD Bank (TD) since 09 btw US$37.5 - 64.5
The Toronto-Dominion Bank is a bank. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group (the Bank or TD). The Bank serves approximately 20.5 million customers in four businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres worldwide.
過去二百年, 數據顯示升幅最大的投資工具是股票, 有11%, 其次是債劵 7%, 第三才是香港人最迷信的房地產 6%, 現金是不斷貶值, 最差的投資, 而黃金只僅僅跑贏 3-4% 的通脹. 股票雖然升幅最驚人, 但短期波幅最大, 股票選擇繁多而參差, 令到投資者在回報上出現更驚人的反差: 竟有七成人在股票上輸錢!
坊間有林林種種教你買股炒股玩窩輪的書, 股民的結局又是否因而改寫呢?
bilibala 股票基金投資組合過去10年所管理的資產淨值增加卅倍, 平均每年回報有17.7%, 累積回報 410%. 經過金融風暴這樣的暴跌的洗禮, 損失超過 63%(已比恆指和上証跌幅細), 最後仍能否極泰來, 再創新高.
儘管如此, 聽他意見的朋友仍有無數損手爛腳的時侯. 仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Bilibala Finance updates 13/09/16
Bilibala Finance 投資財金, 勝負難分, 分析技藝, 受用一生
Bilibala finance 除了帶你進入財金世界, 分析大市走勢, 企業財務報告, 估值評估. 也帶你穿梭 billy ++bilibala 的分析過程, 他的交易, 持有, 甚至挫敗經驗. 借此反照一個投資者如何跌進, 如何打破那 70% 人失敗的宿命. 作為一個基督徒投資者在一個變幻莫測的金融領域學習作神有所為有所不為的忠信管家.
仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.
Recent Transactions
- Bought Apple Inc (AAPL) at US461.5, although most of the analysts reduced its target price saying its 5c can't attract hard discount customers. I still need to admit i-phone is the best in harmonizing its hardware and software. Such price differentiation action should increase market shares & sales, which will help Apple Inc to hold the ground. I still believe its worth at least US$500.
- Bought ING Group N.V. (ISF) at US$22.8, its a preferred stock, more stable, high yield (6%) with a potential increase in price to US$25. Stably increase my Europe holding is what Bilibala working towards.
- Bought PepsiCo (PEP) at US$80.7, I love Coke Zero, I love Tropicana, and I can't determine which one is better than the other, so I decided to hold both of them from now on (just like Starbucks & McDonald's)
(I haven't got a chance to update the performance to August, will do for September, for the time being, keep it on July 31. Sorry about the not up-to-date information.)
Performance (updated in July 31, 2013) |
| ||||
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | |
US S&P | 18.2% | 13.4% | 0.0% | 12.8% | 67.2% |
CA TSX | 0.4% | 4.0% | -11.1% | 14.4% | 57.0% |
UK FTSE | 11.2% | 5.8% | -5.6% | 9.0% | 56.4% |
HK HIS | -3.4% | 22.9% | -20.0% | 5.3% | 104.9% |
CN SHI | -12.1% | 3.1% | -21.7% | -14.3% | 96.8% |
Bilibala | 4.8% | 23.9% | -7.6% | 6.4% | 115.2% |
By region
- US 41%
- Emerging 35%
- Canada 17%
- Europe Market 7%
By Industry
- Insurance 21.9%
- IT 13.3%
- Banking 12.3%
- Telecom 12.2%
- Consumer 9.0%
- Energy 7.1%
Top Holding (over 70% concentration, as of July 31, 2013)
1. China Mobile (CHL) since 05 btw HK$36 - 76
China Mobile Limited is a telecommunication company which provides mobile telecommunications and related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and directly-administered municipalities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. As of December 31, 2012, its total customer reached 710 million. The largest in the world.
2. Google Inc (GOOG) since 09 btw US$287 - 601
Google Inc. (Google) is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Company's business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue.
3. China Life (LFC) since 03 btw HK$3.6 - 22.5
China Life Insurance Company Limited is a China-based life insurance company. The Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in writing of life insurance business, providing life, annuities, accident and health insurance products in China. It has a dominant market shares of above 40% in China's life insurance in force policies.
4. Manulife Financial (MFC) since 09 btw CA$9.7 - 19.5
Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. The Company's segments are Asia, Canadian and U.S. Divisions and the Corporate and Other segment. The Company's international network agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to clients. It also provides asset management services to institutional customers.
5. Tiffany + Co (TIF) since 10 btw US$46 - 55
Tiffany + Co. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiary companies. The Company's principal subsidiary, Tiffany and Company (Tiffany), is a jeweler and specialty retailer whose principal merchandise offering is jewelry. Its the 2nd largest Jewelry company in the world.
6. Wells Fargo (WFC) since 08 btw US$12.5 - 25
Wells Fargo +Company is a bank holding company. The Company is a diversified financial services company. It has three operating segments: Community Banking, Wholesale Banking and Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement. It is also the largest investment in Warren Buffet's Burkshire Hathaway stock portfolio which he bought & hold and still keeps buying for over 20 years.
7. China Construction Bank (0939) since 05 btw HK$2.4 - 5.35
China Construction Bank Corporation is a commercial bank. The principal activities of the Group are the provision of corporate and personal banking services, conducting treasury business, the provision of asset management, trustee, finance leasing, investment banking, insurance and other financial services. The bank has approximately 13,629 domestic branches, it is the second largest bank in China by market capitalization.
8. General Electric (GE) since 08 btw US$9.5 - 22.3
General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified technology and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products.
9. Starbucks Corporation (SBUK) since 10 btw US$31 - 46.5
Starbucks Corporation is a roaster, marketer and retailer of coffee operating in 60 countries. The Company purchases and roasts coffees that it sells, along with handcrafted coffee, tea and other beverages and a variety of fresh food items, through Company-operated stores. As of September 30, 2012, it operated 9,405 Company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores.
10. Suncor Energy (SU) since 11 btw CA$29 - 33.5
Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company. The Company is focused on developing petroleum resource basins-Canada's Athabasca oil sands. In addition, the Company explore for, acquire, develop, produce and market crude oil and natural gas in Canada and internationally, and the Company transports and refines crude oil, and market petroleum and petrochemical products primarily in Canada. The Company operates under three segments: Oil Sands, Exploration and Production, and Refining and Marketing.
11. The Walt Disney Company (DIS) since 09 US$29 - 45
The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The Company operates in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive.
12. Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) since 11 btw US$63 - 68
Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) is an independent oil and gas company. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other energy-related businesses.
13. TD Bank (TD) since 09 btw US$37.5 - 64.5
The Toronto-Dominion Bank is a bank. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group (the Bank or TD). The Bank serves approximately 20.5 million customers in four businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres worldwide.
過去二百年, 數據顯示升幅最大的投資工具是股票, 有11%, 其次是債劵 7%, 第三才是香港人最迷信的房地產 6%, 現金是不斷貶值, 最差的投資, 而黃金只僅僅跑贏 3-4% 的通脹. 股票雖然升幅最驚人, 但短期波幅最大, 股票選擇繁多而參差, 令到投資者在回報上出現更驚人的反差: 竟有七成人在股票上輸錢!
坊間有林林種種教你買股炒股玩窩輪的書, 股民的結局又是否因而改寫呢?
bilibala 股票基金投資組合過去10年所管理的資產淨值增加卅倍, 平均每年回報有17.7%, 累積回報 410%. 經過金融風暴這樣的暴跌的洗禮, 損失超過 63%(已比恆指和上証跌幅細), 最後仍能否極泰來, 再創新高.
儘管如此, 聽他意見的朋友仍有無數損手爛腳的時侯. 仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.
Bilibala devotion 13/09/05 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 希伯來書 c12a
我們既有這許多的見證人、如同雲彩圍著我們、就當放下各樣的重擔、脫去容易纏累我們的罪、存心忍耐、奔那擺在我們前頭的路程. 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌.他因那擺在前面的喜樂、就輕看羞辱、忍受了十字架的苦難, 便坐在神寶座的右邊. 那忍受罪人這樣頂撞的、你們要思想、免得疲倦灰心. 你們與罪惡相爭、還沒有抵擋到流血的地步。(來12:3-4)
你裡面是否困乏厭倦, 迷茫霧裡光采難現?
若侍候定睛仰望恩主, 奇妙署光令你煥然
捨身, 復生, 主進入永生, 還我罪債, 苦擔挪開.
願學效主跟祂的足印, 燃盡這生沒有徒然.
萬事互相配合主心意, 憑信就算不見睛天
在動盪又不安的世代, 完備救恩冒要頌傳
當轉眼仰望耶穌, 回顧冀盼祂那美善,
事過境遷天地都會裉變, 唯獨主榮耀, 恩典不變
English original version
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
O’er us sin no more hath dominion—
For more than conqu’rors we are!
His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!
Words and Music by Helen H Lemmel
由 Billy & Bilibala 二次創作 @ Philos Worship +
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
年年今日(1) 難忘的生日s
在臉書面世之前的世代, 我通常會把生日忘掉.
忘掉生日, 當然不是由於我似約伯那般遇上什么不幸, 倒是因為我討厭食蛋糕, 我一家人又不喜互送禮物, 這就令生日那天變得非常平淡, 容易溜掉也不知道.
儘管這樣, 善忘的我也有幾次生日至今仍然歷歷在目.
89年, 那日上美術課
老師問, "知道今日是什么日子?"
billy細細聲衝口而出,"我生日 lor."
某同學舉手, 嘻皮笑臉"先生, 佢話佢生日喎!"
被老師喪罵他,"今日六四一百日記念, 仲講笑?"
六四都可以結婚, 為何六四一百日生日會捱罵?
莫名其妙, 但好笑到我今日想起仍然會笑.
92年, 初到南非, 不懂搭巴士, 為報讀最出名的中學
小得和我走了五小時的路(主要係走錯路)去 boy's high.
抵死是: 由於小得和billy英文太屎, 唔知一個月後要考入學試, 白白錯過了入第一名校的機會.
感恩是: 在知道入boy's high 無望之後, 改報另一間, 那次問清不用考入學試, 但要見校長, 據理力爭, 並成功爭取入讀中二, 不用留班.
97年, billy 移民加拿大, 同樣因錯過報考時間而入不到土記同水記 :(
感恩是: 複製成功經驗, 報讀 york 第二年, 獲取錄.
這一次學會敬畏神, 在生日再次同神立約, 好好讀聖經, 要曉得這道是與不是.
若只是老生常談, 也可盡快鬆人(何必浪費時間在冇用的東西上),
若真是生命之道, 當然搏老命學好它, 當時想: 笨蛋才會不讀聖經, 胡裡胡塗.
就這樣, 那年開始一正常基督徒的讀經生活.
01年, 那日老佛爺本想飛來多倫多, 卻遇上911. 飛機折返, 在日本擠留了幾天.
911後第一天生日, 倒也真的不敢慶祝.
事緣有朋友A剛好在那天考試, 由朝考到晚, 乜都唔知.
在"以馬忤斯"回家路上, 遇上另一個朋友B, 憂憂愁愁的問他,"去過紐約嗎?"
A, "去過, 為什么?"
B, "你對於紐約(911)有什么看法?"
A, "i dunno, its a nice city, i like it. i enjoy about it."
朋友 B目光忽然變得詭異, 超住 A說, "你怎能這樣說? 他們也是人!"
A, "what's wrong, for sure there're nice guys there, but it is a big city, anything can happen."
B, "i cant believe it, anyway...."
A, "what?"
B, "nothing...."
原來那樣的日子不但不准生日, 而且不准考試.
05年, 那天是香港迪士尼開幕. 彷彿整條美國街, 王子與公子, 還有米奇米尼都在為我慶祝生日般. 然而那可算是我so far 一生中最憂愁的一次生日.
剛從香港返來(正好錯過香港迪士尼開幕), 去完和比比(婆婆)say goodbye 的喪禮.
比比是我一生中最錫, 最欣賞我覺得我最乖的人(老佛爺錫得來會好煩好多要求同期望, 是另一種錫). 她走返天家了.
直到今日, 想起, 都會眼濕濕, 都會掛住.
07年, 在公司樓下遇上管++, billy 生命中的最愛.
管++ 見我在日本買用了兩年的碎錢包容容爛爛(那是有++前的billy), 送了一碎錢包給 billy 做生日禮物. 直到如今, billy 仍然用它.
08年, 金融界一片愁雲慘霧, 人人都指望政府出手救市, 那天以至打後半年, 我整晚睡不安寧. 今後個市個經濟會點? 我又該怎下決定?
百年難遇的全球金融災難, 我決定留守, 我決定入市, 是空手接落下來的飛刀? 是一場豪賭? 還是千載難逢的賺錢機會呢? 我是否太貪心?
在09年生日, 和麥當勞叔叔食早餐慶祝生日, 回望過去一年, 我感動到哭了!
感謝神讓我們經歷這種種失敗, 破碎, 及後又重新賜與.
他管教, 他安慰, 他叫我流淚, 也讓我有破涕為笑.
如果沒有他, 我是捱不過這次衝擊和沉重壓力, 一定堅持不到得見雨後陽光的那天.
晚上, 一班教會團契朋友為billy擺"大壽"(印象中正日是去了北灣).
本來是一個 suprise, 由遲d暈扮死魚約我去飲野, 原來成班在酒家有壽宴
誰不知黃昏時收到生力啤來電, "billy, 對不起"
生力啤,"今晚來不到飲你餐壽酒, 同你講聲生日快樂....你地開心d"
billy, "冇所謂, thx"
Sorry, 比維基解密更令我難忘的劇透. 不管怎樣, 那是so far 最多人同我慶祝的生日會了.
說到尾, billy 愛靜, 生日不會bilibala 叫人為他慶祝. bilibala 寫文就會, 因為那是bilibala, billy本人是不會這樣.