
Saturday, August 31, 2013

回到三國 (書評 what if)

一直鐘情玩三國遊戲, 愛用仍在陳留打董卓的曹操, 又或者呆在新野但仍未擁有荊州及入蜀的劉備.

如果歷史可以重演, 如果關羽沒輕敵失荊州, 東聯孫權, 等曹操死, 然後分三路, 一出漢中由斜谷取長安, 二出上庸奪洛陽, 再東聯孫權, 由壽春攻上鄴, 或者可以改寫歷史也未可知.

如果, 如果這世上真有如果, 歷史實在太多值得番案的事跡了. 多少戰爭戰略令當時將師名流青史, 說穿了可以只不過是靠附碌運氣? 結局卻影響深遠, 成者為王, 敗者為寇.

公元1242年, 蒙古大軍戰無不勝, 一路向西, 打到維也納, 當時蒙古人的複合弓和攻城火炮是遠勝歐洲佬, 假如不是窩闊台逝世令扙都/速不台無奈撤軍, 回蒙古為蒙哥爭汗位. 整個歐洲將會淪陷. 神學家不用等歐盟統一天下, 提早至少八百年"世界末日", 敵基督不就是蒙古大汗么?

又如果1588年英倫海峽刮的風轉了方向令西班牙無敵艦隊成功會師登陸, 今日英國佬給人的印象就由日不落帝國退化為迦勒比海盜. 我亦老早會講西班牙文不用現在才去學了.

what if
經蔡子強那"帶書上路"介紹, 讀歷史軍事書"what if", 用如果去分析史上廿場戰爭, 及它們對後世的影響.

上帝可以令無變有, 而what if 一書中有兩場"如果", 卻可以令聖經由有變冇.

但以理記載有一非常的王由西至東迅間移動, 吞食天地. 他就是亞力山大. 只用了十年時間, 兩場大戰打瓜波斯. 又致力將全地希臘化, 一種語言走天涯, 可跟全天下溝通, 希臘化成了四百年後, 預備主的道, 修直主的路, 傳福音的真正開路先鋒.

鑑於亞歷山大的英年早逝, 使他成為更傳奇的經典人物, 拿破倫口中的四大戰神之一. 然而 what if 一書卻指出以當時 life expectancy, 他不但不算太短命, 而且以他那身先仕卒, 以騎兵迅間衝散敵陣的危險戰法, 常受重傷, 有次更被人打下馬, 若不是近衛兵在敵人手起刀落那一瞬及時秒殺對手, 亞歷山大可能廿一歲就玩完. 往後歷史也必須改寫. 沒有希臘文化這一開路先鋒, 使徒要不人人花三幾年學一兩種外語就是個個有講方言或聽方言的神蹟.
此外, 那些針對希臘文化衝擊寫成, 如歌羅西書, 路加福音也未有書寫的必要, 甚至傳道書, 約伯記亦未必會是今日的篇輯模樣.

另一場對聖經歷史更重要的戰爭要數公元前 711年, 亞述西拿基立大軍圍耶城失敗那場仗.

李思敬博士在他的以賽亞書導讀提到, 這是一場前所未有具滅國滅族風險之戰. 在這之前, 什么非利士, 以東, 亞捫, 亞蘭的侵略都只是小朋友爭野玩, 打架, 但那一次是面對一個帝國, 軍事力量同武裝都比猶大國強太多. 已經將全地掃平, 淨番耶路撒冷城
這一場輸左, 會死, 真係玩完架!

然而, 結局卻峰迴路轉, 西拿基立的軍隊在一日之間戲劇性地患鼠疫死了許多而被逼退兵.

希西家王得以成為少爺威威近鄰之首, 繼續他的統治, 又使當時以色列人更深信耶和華有料到, 是全地之主, 以致一百年後尼布甲尼撒捲土重來時, 他們能堅持信仰, 沒有像亞述滅北國以色列那些餘民般隨流失去. what if......大概不敢再想下去.

如果歷史可以重演....大概歷史是不會重演, 也不需重新推演, 正如耶穌釘十架是只此一次, 一次就夠那樣.

但從這個如果重演的角度, 擴闊了我切入歷史和聖經的思想空間. 因為 what if 除了我們會八卦之外, 那些第一代讀者以及親歷事件的主人翁一定也問過. what if we fail, what if our god is not the god of the world, what if god is not on our side.......

what if we 回到三國, 回到未來
what if we 回到聖經, 回到歷史,

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bilibala devotion 13/08/29 耶穌有乜料做祭司(2) 希伯來書c7

from another source
King 1&2?

life after year 1 (2) mini retreat

周六, 食過管++在家弄的愛心笨煮(brunch)火腿牛油果多士加法式沖星巴克咖啡後,
中午到 oil mills inn + spa, 一齊做全身按摩.

和管++不同是: billy 不會也不懂因環境陳設好壞而加分扣分, 只會冰冷地以 quality over price, 但今次和管++不約而同俾 like 讚好喎!

做完馬沙豬, 在旅店的亭園中散步. 這一日, 在那裡來來回回碰上三對結婚(拍婚照), 別有一番感受.

我們的婚禮其實真的好簡單, 仍是忙得不亦樂乎, 明知就算有什么出錯, no one will aware, 就算 aware, no one care, 就算 care, no one will remember, 但不知為何, 心情仍然緊張. 現在變返旁觀者, 樂得一身輕鬆.

今年天氣卻清涼得多. 記得當年今日勁熱, 許多幫手的小朋友都被那"從天上而來的愛和酷熱, 把我們冰冷的心融化".

晚上, 去管++ 介紹的地方食日式拉麵.

點了兩個定食, 15蚊左右, 有飯又有拉麵, 和j town 比較, 價錢公道, 碟頭略多一點.

湯底咸左d, 但拉麵麵身較韌, 喜歡與否見人見志, 我覺得這樣口感更好. 其中有粒酸梅, 令我聯想起小時侯看魔神英雄傳, 一集講惡魔手中一對兄弟, 認為公平就是世上最重要的核心價值, 所以什么都斬開將世界變成"樣樣一半" (註一) 起初飛雲無法打敗那對兄弟, 直到他們將一曼頭分著吃, 卻無法分開中間果粒酸梅核而起哄並失去平衡, 才被飛雲擊倒.

它的魚子蛋飯, 好有特色, 又 colourful, 管++很是喜歡.
兩人相處, 樣樣一半是否最好? 愛你多過你愛她是否最有福?
一段婚姻可以是magic魔幻, 也可以很messy惡魔. all depends on mind set and gap vs expectation.

周日, 結婚一周年, 我們
   回到教會崇拜, 和會眾一起敬拜主何等的恩典
   回去婚禮教堂, 舊地重遊, 重溫那日的情節, holy + honey 這誓盟同蝦碌點滴
   回顧這一年, 有什么要remember, rejoice, repent, reconcile, renewal.....逐一 reported.

下午, 在 old mills inn high tea.
全間餐廳坐滿. 幾十人就只有三個男顧客, 全是女生.
old mills inn 沒有高級餐廳那份情調, 也沒有像 windsorarms 那種派頭, 然而, 那鄉村俱樂部的感覺, 令人可以不帶拘謹的開懷暢談, 是我這粗賓漢覺得舒服的.

它的茶和服務沒有 markham rd 那間好, 三文治及小蛋撻則是咁多間之中最好味. 24.95一個人, 相比之下是超值的.

展望第二年, billy 和管++將目標和 budget 都寫在 annual report 裡面. high tea 有一 quality time 分享兩三個希望對方做得更好的改變和願望.

求主教導我們怎樣數算日子....我們手所作的工, 願你隨己意拆毀. 我們手所作的工, 願你堅立.....好叫我們得著智慧的心, 知道從亙古到永遠你是神!

那卡通每集有一個諷刺當代的 insight, 好正!
但佢係卡通片, 大人唔睇, 小朋友又唔會咁樣睇.

Bilibala Finance updates 13/08/29

Bilibala Finance 投資財金, 勝負難分, 分析技藝, 受用一生

Bilibala finance 了帶你進入財金世界, 分析大市走勢, 企業財務報告, 估值評估. 也帶你穿梭 billy ++bilibala 的分析過程, 他的交易, 持有, 甚至挫敗經驗. 借此反照一個投資者如何跌進, 如何打破那 70% 人失敗的宿命. 作為一個基督徒投資者在一個變幻莫測的金融領域學習作神有所為有所不為的忠信管家.

仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.


Recent Transactions

Stock fall, I sold all holdings in Baidu at US$137 and continue to buy back Wells Fargo at US$41.30 and add 50% in Berkshire Hathaway at US$112.1.


Synia's issue is uncertainty and as usual, it will have short term impact to the equity market. As I mentioned before, it is more like a regular downward adjustment and everyone knows it will come. Investors love to pick a reason for the fall.
Whereas Bilibala normally buy in sereval layers,  never able to catch all, nor miss all the opportunities. Same apply this time.
Performance (updated in July 31, 2013)










































Bilibala's +5% performance was driven by +14% unrelaized gains in US/CA corporations (mainly Google Inc, Manulife Financial, Tiffany + co and Wells Fargo), partially offset by -4% losses in Barrick Gold and Apple Inc in Q1, due to Bilibala's miss judgement & slow awareness to re-estimation (partly due to stress @ workplace in Q1), and -5% reduction in unrealized gains in Asia Corporations (mainly China Life and China Construction Bank).
I believe China Life's 3q13 results are good and Bilibala should catch up a bit in the 2nd half of the year, target to make 10-12% return in 2013, lower than 10 years' average return of 17.7%.
Assets Mix (as of July 31, 2013)

By region

  • US 41%
  • Emerging 35%
  • Canada 17%
  • Europe Market 7%

By Industry

  • Insurance 21.9%
  • IT 13.3%
  • Banking 12.3%
  • Telecom 12.2%
  • Consumer 9.0%
  • Energy 7.1%

Top Holding (over 70% concentration, as of July 31, 2013)

1. China Mobile (CHL) since 05 btw HK$36 - 76

China Mobile Limited is a telecommunication company which provides mobile telecommunications and related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and directly-administered municipalities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. As of December 31, 2012, its total customer reached 710 million. The largest in the world.

 2. Google Inc (GOOG) since 09 btw US$287 - 601

Google Inc. (Google) is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Company's business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue.  

3. China Life (LFC) since 03 btw HK$3.6 - 22.5

China Life Insurance Company Limited is a China-based life insurance company. The Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in writing of life insurance business, providing life, annuities, accident and health insurance products in China. It has a dominant market shares of above 40% in China's life insurance in force policies.

4. Manulife Financial (MFC) since 09 btw CA$9.7 - 19.5

Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. The Company's segments are Asia, Canadian and U.S. Divisions and the Corporate and Other segment. The Company's international network agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to clients. It also provides asset management services to institutional customers.

5. Tiffany + Co (TIF) since 10 btw US$46 - 55

Tiffany + Co. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiary companies. The Company's principal subsidiary, Tiffany and Company (Tiffany), is a jeweler and specialty retailer whose principal merchandise offering is jewelry. Its the 2nd largest Jewelry company in the world.

6. Wells Fargo (WFC) since 08 btw US$12.5 - 25

Wells Fargo +Company is a bank holding company. The Company is a diversified financial services company. It has three operating segments: Community Banking, Wholesale Banking and Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement. It is also the largest investment in Warren Buffet's Burkshire Hathaway stock portfolio which he bought & hold and still keeps buying for over 20 years.  

7. China Construction Bank (0939) since 05 btw HK$2.4 - 5.35

China Construction Bank Corporation is a commercial bank. The principal activities of the Group are the provision of corporate and personal banking services, conducting treasury business, the provision of asset management, trustee, finance leasing, investment banking, insurance and other financial services. The bank has approximately 13,629 domestic branches, it is the second largest bank in China by market capitalization. 

8. General Electric (GE) since 08 btw US$9.5 - 22.3

General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified technology and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products.

9. Starbucks Corporation (SBUK) since 10 btw US$31 - 46.5

Starbucks Corporation is a roaster, marketer and retailer of coffee operating in 60 countries. The Company purchases and roasts coffees that it sells, along with handcrafted coffee, tea and other beverages and a variety of fresh food items, through Company-operated stores. As of September 30, 2012, it operated 9,405 Company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores.

10. Suncor Energy (SU) since 11 btw CA$29 - 33.5

Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company. The Company is focused on developing petroleum resource basins-Canada's Athabasca oil sands. In addition, the Company explore for, acquire, develop, produce and market crude oil and natural gas in Canada and internationally, and the Company transports and refines crude oil, and market petroleum and petrochemical products primarily in Canada. The Company operates under three segments: Oil Sands, Exploration and Production, and Refining and Marketing.  

11. The Walt Disney Company (DIS) since 09 US$29 - 45

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The Company operates in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive.

12. Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) since 11 btw US$63 - 68

Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) is an independent oil and gas company. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other energy-related businesses.

13. TD Bank (TD) since 09 btw US$37.5 - 64.5

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is a bank. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group (the Bank or TD). The Bank serves approximately 20.5 million customers in four businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres worldwide.


過去二百年, 數據顯示升幅最大的投資工具是股票, 有11%, 其次是債劵 7%, 第三才是香港人最迷信的房地產 6%, 現金是不斷貶值, 最差的投資, 而黃金只僅僅跑贏 3-4% 的通脹. 股票雖然升幅最驚人, 但短期波幅最大, 股票選擇繁多而參差, 令到投資者在回報上出現更驚人的反差: 竟有七成人在股票上輸錢!

坊間有林林種種教你買股炒股玩窩輪的書, 股民的結局又是否因而改寫呢?

bilibala 股票基金投資組合過去10年所管理的資產淨值增加卅倍, 平均每年回報有17.7%, 累積回報 410%. 經過金融風暴這樣的暴跌的洗禮, 損失超過 63%(已比恆指和上証跌幅細), 最後仍能否極泰來, 再創新高.

儘管如此, 聽他意見的朋友仍有無數損手爛腳的時侯. 仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.

Bilibala Bible Reading 101 EP01

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bilibala devotion 13/08/27 耶穌有乜料做祭司 希伯來書c5


Life after year 1 (1) 回到出嫁時

不經不覺, billy 與管++結婚已周年, 為慶祝他倆二人成為一體, merge and acquisition 成功.
周六, 我們去了 downtown 西郊的 old mills inn mini "retreat".

次日早晨, 食過豐富的煙三文魚配水果早餐, 回到教會參加崇拜.
原訂計劃留在 downtown 遊走, 下午去另一有周日晚堂的教會, 不用風塵撲撲. 最後管++提議說, 我們婚後一天也堅持帶父母返崇拜, 今天何不回到教會?
billy 也認為好.

今天講道信息是詩篇卅篇(何等恩典), 講到神對詩人的保守和安慰, 詩人如何靠神得到生存的意志, 在困境中稱頌神....

billy and minnie 自然沒有詩人面對打仗, 亡命天涯, 四面受敵那般絕境苦況. 但回顧過去一年, 確是有點挑戰, 有些衝突, 有時失落, 亦有許多感恩和回味神何等恩典之處.

bilibala 用了約一周時間, 將這些事件, 感受, 檢討與計劃寫了一份長 2500字的報告, 和照片一起, 合成一份年報, 送給 billy 和管++ 做禮物, 數算神的恩典. 回顧 merge and acquisition 的成果和進度.
結婚時的誓詞承諾要寫 mdaa (management decision and analysis)

在浪漫honey 這材料之中, 膽大心細地加入 holy 做香料, 所泡製出來的婚姻和一周年之種種記念活動, 我相信是更加精采和銘記於心.

崇拜後我們又回到 downtown, 回到我們合映訂婚照的咖啡店, 回到我們一起婚禮的教堂, 少了當日那一份隆重, 熱鬧, 緊張, 興奮, 期待.....

今日在同樣一個園子裡散步, 手牽手, 說笑談心, 閒話家常, 倒有另一份簡單, 寧靜, 溫馨, 甜蜜的美.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

bill one ++

香港分兩種家庭: 有樓的家庭, 和冇樓的家庭. 首期太重, 負擔不起就末必能上車, 不能上車, 就無法享受樓價帶來的資產增值, 與此同時, 仍要支付租金, 替人家供樓.

友人界王在地鐵工作, 收入不錯, 兩年前和他傾計, 儲一筆首期仍感困難. 何況其他人呢?
在加拿大, 屋價比香港易應付, 但仍有許多人無法上車.

香港有供屋, 居屋, 至安心計劃, 在加拿大, 有一慈善組織和商界合作, 讓義工參與建屋給低收入家庭, 助他們上車.

那日, 我和管++跟團契的小朋友一起去仕加堡建屋.

那屋差不多完成, 我們落地牢釘 dry wall, 鋪天花, 忙了一個有意義的一天. 估計這間屋, 透過不同
義工日日做 d, 年底就可入伙.

帶著我們這班也不知是幫手還是阻頭阻世的首領是肥納(philips), 他好叻教人同分配工作, 指揮若定, 又清洗我們的蘇州屎. 令我們不至變成閒懶不結鏍絲.

原來他也是義工, 但他本身也是個建築師.

求主讓我們繼續為我們的城市建造付多一分力, 即使完了一天我們都腰酸背痛得要命.

Devotion 13/08/24 禮 創世記c4

生日會 禮記之回應

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Devotion 13/08/22 安息 希伯來書c4a


Bilibala Finance updates 13/08/22

Bilibala Finance 投資財金, 勝負難分, 分析技藝, 受用一生

Bilibala finance 了帶你進入財金世界, 分析大市走勢, 企業財務報告, 估值評估. 也帶你穿梭 billy ++bilibala 的分析過程, 他的交易, 持有, 甚至挫敗經驗. 借此反照一個投資者如何跌進, 如何打破那 70% 人失敗的宿命. 作為一個基督徒投資者在一個變幻莫測的金融領域學習作神有所為有所不為的忠信管家.

仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.


Recent Transactions

1. Added back Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) at US$88.5, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) at US$114.4 and Wells Fargo (WFC) at US$42.5, those I sold recently last month due to excerise of the options based on Bilibala's hedge program. Now, since they've dropped by about 5%, I added them back to my portoflio. (just like what I did to Walt Disney Co. In theory, I've lower my real purchase cost through such hedge and buy back approach. But for simplicity purpose, the purchase price range you find from "top holding list" below are the historical price I purchased without counting the benefit from hedging and buy back)

2. In my Asia portfolio, as mentioned last week, I added back 100% of Petro China (0857/PTR) at HK$8.59, 8% of China Construction Bank (0939) at HK$5.65, 100% of China ShenHua Energy (1088) at HK$23.5 , 5% of China Life (2628) at HK$19.02 and 100% of China Resource Power (0836) at HK$17.78 (which I forgot to mention in my last email, my bad). 

Most of the time, I will post the transaction after the fact, which may be one of the limitation of the Bilibala Finance blog. 


I don't think oil price will substain in such high position for too long, and so as gold price. That's why I start buying back Petro China, Petroleo Brasileiro etc. I think I will reduce my holding in Suncor Energy (SU) and add more Royal Dutch Shell.
If you hold Barrick Gold, which hurt my portfolio return badly in 1st half of 2013, it climb back from CA$14 to CA$20, I don't think it will rise further for too much. Those still holding it should just realize the loss and look for better opportunities.
Performance (updated in July 31, 2013)










































Bilibala's +5% performance was driven by +14% unrelaized gains in US/CA corporations (mainly Google Inc, Manulife Financial, Tiffany + co and Wells Fargo), partially offset by -4% losses in Barrick Gold and Apple Inc in Q1, due to Bilibala's miss judgement & slow awareness to re-estimation (partly due to stress @ workplace in Q1), and -5% reduction in unrealized gains in Asia Corporations (mainly China Life and China Construction Bank).
I believe China Life's 3q13 results are good and Bilibala should catch up a bit in the 2nd half of the year, target to make 10-12% return in 2013, lower than 10 years' average return of 17.7%.
Assets Mix (as of July 31, 2013)

By region

  • US 41%
  • Emerging 35%
  • Canada 17%
  • Europe Market 7%

By Industry

  • Insurance 21.9%
  • IT 13.3%
  • Banking 12.3%
  • Telecom 12.2%
  • Consumer 9.0%
  • Energy 7.1%

Top Holding (over 70% concentration, as of July 31, 2013)

1. China Mobile (CHL) since 05 btw HK$36 - 76

China Mobile Limited is a telecommunication company which provides mobile telecommunications and related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and directly-administered municipalities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. As of December 31, 2012, its total customer reached 710 million. The largest in the world.

 2. Google Inc (GOOG) since 09 btw US$287 - 601

Google Inc. (Google) is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Company's business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue.  

3. China Life (LFC) since 03 btw HK$3.6 - 22.5

China Life Insurance Company Limited is a China-based life insurance company. The Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in writing of life insurance business, providing life, annuities, accident and health insurance products in China. It has a dominant market shares of above 40% in China's life insurance in force policies.

4. Manulife Financial (MFC) since 09 btw CA$9.7 - 19.5

Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. The Company's segments are Asia, Canadian and U.S. Divisions and the Corporate and Other segment. The Company's international network agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to clients. It also provides asset management services to institutional customers.

5. Tiffany + Co (TIF) since 10 btw US$46 - 55

Tiffany + Co. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiary companies. The Company's principal subsidiary, Tiffany and Company (Tiffany), is a jeweler and specialty retailer whose principal merchandise offering is jewelry. Its the 2nd largest Jewelry company in the world.

6. Wells Fargo (WFC) since 08 btw US$12.5 - 25

Wells Fargo +Company is a bank holding company. The Company is a diversified financial services company. It has three operating segments: Community Banking, Wholesale Banking and Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement. It is also the largest investment in Warren Buffet's Burkshire Hathaway stock portfolio which he bought & hold and still keeps buying for over 20 years.  

7. China Construction Bank (0939) since 05 btw HK$2.4 - 5.35

China Construction Bank Corporation is a commercial bank. The principal activities of the Group are the provision of corporate and personal banking services, conducting treasury business, the provision of asset management, trustee, finance leasing, investment banking, insurance and other financial services. The bank has approximately 13,629 domestic branches, it is the second largest bank in China by market capitalization. 

8. General Electric (GE) since 08 btw US$9.5 - 22.3

General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified technology and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products.

9. Starbucks Corporation (SBUK) since 10 btw US$31 - 46.5

Starbucks Corporation is a roaster, marketer and retailer of coffee operating in 60 countries. The Company purchases and roasts coffees that it sells, along with handcrafted coffee, tea and other beverages and a variety of fresh food items, through Company-operated stores. As of September 30, 2012, it operated 9,405 Company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores.

10. Suncor Energy (SU) since 11 btw CA$29 - 33.5

Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company. The Company is focused on developing petroleum resource basins-Canada's Athabasca oil sands. In addition, the Company explore for, acquire, develop, produce and market crude oil and natural gas in Canada and internationally, and the Company transports and refines crude oil, and market petroleum and petrochemical products primarily in Canada. The Company operates under three segments: Oil Sands, Exploration and Production, and Refining and Marketing.  

11. The Walt Disney Company (DIS) since 09 US$29 - 45

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The Company operates in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive.

12. Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) since 11 btw US$63 - 68

Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) is an independent oil and gas company. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other energy-related businesses.

13. TD Bank (TD) since 09 btw US$37.5 - 64.5

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is a bank. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group (the Bank or TD). The Bank serves approximately 20.5 million customers in four businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres worldwide.


過去二百年, 數據顯示升幅最大的投資工具是股票, 有11%, 其次是債劵 7%, 第三才是香港人最迷信的房地產 6%, 現金是不斷貶值, 最差的投資, 而黃金只僅僅跑贏 3-4% 的通脹. 股票雖然升幅最驚人, 但短期波幅最大, 股票選擇繁多而參差, 令到投資者在回報上出現更驚人的反差: 竟有七成人在股票上輸錢!

坊間有林林種種教你買股炒股玩窩輪的書, 股民的結局又是否因而改寫呢?

bilibala 股票基金投資組合過去10年所管理的資產淨值增加卅倍, 平均每年回報有17.7%, 累積回報 410%. 經過金融風暴這樣的暴跌的洗禮, 損失超過 63%(已比恆指和上証跌幅細), 最後仍能否極泰來, 再創新高.

儘管如此, 聽他意見的朋友仍有無數損手爛腳的時侯. 仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bilibala Finance updates 13/08/20

Bilibala Finance 投資財金, 勝負難分, 分析技藝, 受用一生

Bilibala finance 了帶你進入財金世界, 分析大市走勢, 企業財務報告, 估值評估. 也帶你穿梭 billy ++bilibala 的分析過程, 他的交易, 持有, 甚至挫敗經驗. 借此反照一個投資者如何跌進, 如何打破那 70% 人失敗的宿命. 作為一個基督徒投資者在一個變幻莫測的金融領域學習作神有所為有所不為的忠信管家.

仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.


Recent Transactions

1. Completed the add back of Walt Disney Co (DIS) at US$62.2.

2. Sold 100% holding of Infosys (INFY) at US$48.4 as mentioned last week and Vodafone (VOD) at US$29.97

3. Bought Enbridge Inc (ENB) at CA$42.93 to further diverisfy portfolio in Canada region.

4. Sold 40% Rogers Communication (RCI.B) at CA$41.4 to realize a small gain of around 3.5% and switch to Enbridge.

5. Sold 15% of China Life (LFC) at US$38.25 again because I think the downward adjustment will come.

6. Added 11% Petroleo Brasilleiro (PRB) at US$14.2, although gas price increase may have negative impact to its bottom line, same as Petro China because of government's intervention to cap the downstream gas price. From value prospective, they are still good buy and price has already reflected those factors.


Asia market fall a little bit, I plan to buy back Petro China (0857/PTR) at HK$8.60 and China Construction Bank (0939), China ShenHua Energy (1088) and China Life (2628).
Assets Mix (as of July 31, 2013)

By region

  • US 41%
  • Emerging 35%
  • Canada 17%
  • Europe Market 7%

By Industry

  • Insurance 21.9%
  • IT 13.3%
  • Banking 12.3%
  • Telecom 12.2%
  • Consumer 9.0%
  • Energy 7.1%

Top Holding (over 70% concentration, as of July 31, 2013)

1. China Mobile (CHL) since 05 btw HK$36 - 76

China Mobile Limited is a telecommunication company which provides mobile telecommunications and related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and directly-administered municipalities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. As of December 31, 2012, its total customer reached 710 million. The largest in the world.

 2. Google Inc (GOOG) since 09 btw US$287 - 601

Google Inc. (Google) is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Company's business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue.  

3. China Life (LFC) since 03 btw HK$3.6 - 22.5

China Life Insurance Company Limited is a China-based life insurance company. The Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in writing of life insurance business, providing life, annuities, accident and health insurance products in China. It has a dominant market shares of above 40% in China's life insurance in force policies.

4. Manulife Financial (MFC) since 09 btw CA$9.7 - 19.5

Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. The Company's segments are Asia, Canadian and U.S. Divisions and the Corporate and Other segment. The Company's international network agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to clients. It also provides asset management services to institutional customers.

5. Tiffany + Co (TIF) since 10 btw US$46 - 55

Tiffany + Co. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiary companies. The Company's principal subsidiary, Tiffany and Company (Tiffany), is a jeweler and specialty retailer whose principal merchandise offering is jewelry. Its the 2nd largest Jewelry company in the world.

6. Wells Fargo (WFC) since 08 btw US$12.5 - 25

Wells Fargo & Company is a bank holding company. The Company is a diversified financial services company. It has three operating segments: Community Banking, Wholesale Banking and Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement. It is also the largest investment in Warren Buffet's Burkshire Hathaway stock portfolio which he bought & hold and still keeps buying for over 20 years.  

7. China Construction Bank (0939) since 05 btw HK$2.4 - 5.35

China Construction Bank Corporation is a commercial bank. The principal activities of the Group are the provision of corporate and personal banking services, conducting treasury business, the provision of asset management, trustee, finance leasing, investment banking, insurance and other financial services. The bank has approximately 13,629 domestic branches, it is the second largest bank in China by market capitalization. 

8. General Electric (GE) since 08 btw US$9.5 - 22.3

General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified technology and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products.

9. Starbucks Corporation (SBUK) since 10 btw US$31 - 46.5

Starbucks Corporation is a roaster, marketer and retailer of coffee operating in 60 countries. The Company purchases and roasts coffees that it sells, along with handcrafted coffee, tea and other beverages and a variety of fresh food items, through Company-operated stores. As of September 30, 2012, it operated 9,405 Company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores.

10. Suncor Energy (SU) since 11 btw CA$29 - 33.5

Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company. The Company is focused on developing petroleum resource basins-Canada's Athabasca oil sands. In addition, the Company explore for, acquire, develop, produce and market crude oil and natural gas in Canada and internationally, and the Company transports and refines crude oil, and market petroleum and petrochemical products primarily in Canada. The Company operates under three segments: Oil Sands, Exploration and Production, and Refining and Marketing.  

11. The Walt Disney Company (DIS) since 09 US$29 - 45

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The Company operates in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive.

12. Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) since 11 btw US$63 - 68

Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) is an independent oil and gas company. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other energy-related businesses.

13. TD Bank (TD) since 09 btw US$37.5 - 64.5

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is a bank. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group (the Bank or TD). The Bank serves approximately 20.5 million customers in four businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres worldwide.


過去二百年, 數據顯示升幅最大的投資工具是股票, 有11%, 其次是債劵 7%, 第三才是香港人最迷信的房地產 6%, 現金是不斷貶值, 最差的投資, 而黃金只僅僅跑贏 3-4% 的通脹. 股票雖然升幅最驚人, 但短期波幅最大, 股票選擇繁多而參差, 令到投資者在回報上出現更驚人的反差: 竟有七成人在股票上輸錢!

坊間有林林種種教你買股炒股玩窩輪的書, 股民的結局又是否因而改寫呢?

bilibala 股票基金投資組合過去10年所管理的資產淨值增加卅倍, 平均每年回報有17.7%, 累積回報 410%. 經過金融風暴這樣的暴跌的洗禮, 損失超過 63%(已比恆指和上証跌幅細), 最後仍能否極泰來, 再創新高.

儘管如此, 聽他意見的朋友仍有無數損手爛腳的時侯. 仍是一句: 這是個分享 bilibala 分析的地方. 其分析可能對你受用終身, 但未必能幫你賺到一點金. 若無法保守你的心, 就該趁早離場鬆人.

Monday, August 19, 2013

bilibala bible 13/08/19 誰才是不尊重權柄 路加福音c5

    罪 vs 得治

Sunday, August 18, 2013

眾裡尋真 Baidu Search

三年前某次崇拜散會, 遇上李思敬博士退修會, 想也不想就撲去畫龜報名.
簽完個大名那招待才趕得及向我溫馨提示:"弟兄, 這退修會主題是人生下半場喎! 你真的打算報名?"
billy(都唔知比乜反應)只聽到從後趕來看熱鬧的管++在笑罵,"睇清楚d la"
billy笑,"睇得好清楚 la, 李思敬嘛(我話知佢講乜? 總之講聖經我老虎都報左先, 係咪咁講呀! 最多到時化個妝扮老入去. 耶穌不是讚那四個拆屋的有信心么? )....唔該, 冇報名年齡限制?"
billy,"咁我報 la, 呢度報名費."

這次輪到那招待弟兄呆了一呆, 剛好有位像女主持人的在旁打完場,"趁年青去聽下半場, 好好預備, 聽得嚟岩架la."
退修會上果然只得我一個年輕人(唔係年青人), 李博士共講了三篇經文, a. 尼希米記第一章尼希米人生的下半場, b. 創世記六章洪水中的挪亞, c. 約翰福音十五章葡萄樹與枝子.
除了每段經文的釋經之外, 最令我印象深刻是(第一次, 之後好多講道有再提)聽他提到的三個詞: 成功, 成就, 成聖.

我自然盼望人生走完上半場, 可以對自己講,"我成功了", 當然, 若被人肯定我的成就自然開心. 然而世上有幾多成功人仕? 有成就的只怕更少. 一生追求成功成就, 也許沒有錯, 但我們又用多少時間花功夫成聖(屬於主)?

尼希米是個好成功, 有成就, 位列朝中九卿之一, 但他沒有像波兒般將為自己謀算當作行公義, 好憐憫. 乃是千方百計的為神為神的子民求好處, 願追求這樣吃力不討好的成聖之路.....
由於對這三個詞(成功, 成就, 成聖)有深刻的思考, 花了兩年多時間寫了這首新歌. 描述一個為理想勇於到處尋覓, 考慮走十架路之人的心路歷程.

之所以要用這么長時間去寫成, 是因為我用了兩年時間才 justify 到成聖有什么吸引力, 比成功和成就, 甚至成名值得. 單單感覺到唔 ok, 變不了歌詞. 一個月前想通了.
詞也就得以完成. 詞用了一大堆好硬好搏殺的字詞. 慢慢細味或者會有共鳴, 但我們大部份人會放棄代入歌詞中, 覺得我地唔係果種人. 我都會話我唔係.

曲: kevin suen  詞: billy & bilibala


我若是學效便放鬆, 有你便夠?

祝福我, 跟主足印覓途



沉重地踏步, 問那軛最抱負重?


Saturday, August 17, 2013

十萬個為甚麼 (MV version)

哀歌 - 是 Billy 為哭所親愛的人離開寫的哀歌.

在婆婆返天家前後那段日子, 聽過最屬靈同時最缺乏人情味的話(註一). 而我真希望的反而是有人肯陪我呆坐, 聽我講講我和婆婆一段一段往事, 忽然笑了, 之後又哭起來, 講不出聲, 然後怪責自己為什么返香港不多, 以前和婆婆講電話不多, 為什么沒有察覺她病了.....

作曲: Sandra Wu 填詞: Billy & Bilibala

十萬個為甚麼, 能否改寫結果?
問老天怎可? 有誰做錯麼?

副(一): 您怎麼可撇下我一個?
如今生死兩茫茫, 倍思量...
為何像花瓣凋落? 人太脆弱!!!
我不捨得您, 我能夠...能做甚麼?

仍很想很想您, 懷念永是如花盛放.

十萬個為甚麼, 能否改寫結果?
恨我未及時來認錯, 也恨我不夠體諒,

副(二): 人家祝福我, 願見我堅壯,
何不給一個抱, 陪我含淚痛哀?

仍很想很想您, 懷念永是如花盛放.

在幽谷主跟我, 含著眼淚同走過.


  1. "她信了耶穌未?" (你想我點答? 信咗係咪代表我冇權傷心? 未信, 我可以點?)
  2. "唔好咁傷心." (你是叫我收聲, 還是傷心是一種罪? 為何不能傷心?"
  3. "復活在我, 生命也在我..." (你又不是耶穌能令人即場復活. 等一千年後大家復活什么的神學討論在喪禮中有什么動聽呢? 這不是抽水去傳福音的場合.) 
Stop talking, just show how much you love & care, please!!

Bilibala Devotion 13/08/16 夢中天使 希伯來書c1

超過天使, so what?

Friday, August 16, 2013

生日會(2) 食+經

這日同管++去 Auberge du Pommier (法國菜餐館)慶祝生日.
Billy是一個投資, 工作, 讀經, 到餐館點菜都力求穩穩陣陣的人, 到這樣的一間 fine dining 餐館最穩陣就是點牛扒, 羊扒. 所以 Billy 第二, 第三次去同一間餐館大概就會永遠老點一樣菜式, 從今天直到永遠. 啊們!
管++卻是與別不同. 我本來仍是打算點牛扒, 她選了 chef's tasting menu.


Yarmouth lobster cannelloni
loveage & chili aioli, Ontario corn, feuille de brick

 頭盤  - 龍蝦春卷, 難得外面微熱, 入口 blog blog 趣, 裡面龍蝦配粟米, 輕輕帶辣. 在炎炎夏日嘗一口特別透心涼. 管++話, "直到今日才知道原來龍蝦和粟米係 friend."

Foie Gras
Mousse of foie gras
dashi gelee, giner-stuffed cherry, aonori Genoise

第二道頭盤是鵝肝 mousse. 厨師蠻有心思, 本來食到一半就"漏"住, 然而鵝肝遇上 rosemary 和 櫻桃, 下垂的手, 止發胃酸的心靈又得以再開動了!

grilled swordfish confit,
summer squash, demi-sec tomatoes, basil bouillon

 在厨師手下, 菜式除了有如水彩畫般繪出一幅又一幅唯美的油畫. 一切食材亦有如交響曲一樣 harmonized 得拾到好處.

劍魚柳配天乾蕃茄. 先甜後酸有貶意的觀念大概要改寫.
幸好以西結沒有機會嘗過這一味. 不然他寫"父親吃了酸葡萄, 兒子卻酸倒了"的時侯, 大概會繼續寫到,"以色列家就是不跟從神, 不然, 酸葡萄般的以色列國在神手裡整治, 也可以如烹小鮮."

美中不足是 billy 覺得它不夠熱. 管++認為適當温熱.
glazed milk-fed veal, chanterelles,
shallot & smoked ham marmalade
Parmigiano-Reggiano broth

 嫩牛仔肉, 湯汁火腿配生菜
那火腿查實是一大舊肥豬肉, "漏"爆. 相傳女人的後裔與肥豬彼此為仇, 女人的後裔要傷肥豬的頭, 肥豬的後裔要加增女人的脂.

但我從未見過管 ++ 會對舊肥豬肉生出如斯愛戀. 令他們暫時忘掉怨仇, 挪開中間的牆, 使兩下合而為一的是在碟底的酸菜. 不但令肥豬肉一點不覺"漏", 且令我們食到湯汁一滴不留.

厨師揀的生菜也是非常考究, 四片. 有近頭的嫩葉, 一啖一口, 夠爽, 亦有一大片包在外面的大生菜, 經過芝士湯汁的洗禮令人有種重生的感覺.

我發覺管++眼光的確一流 :)
小至揀餐廳, 選菜式, 到為 billy 度身訂造, 西装, 裇衫, 眼鏡都好合襯.
最了不起當然是揀人方面 la.

Good job :)

食完兩味主菜, 滿口濃郁的脂油如同馨香的祭一般.

 一個甜品前的薄荷刨冰雪糕, 將一切口氣都潔除淨盡, 有如牛漆草洗滌心靈般令人心曠神怡.
chocolate & hazelnut wafers,
dark chocolate croquette
chocolate gelato

 甜品是三隻小朱. 我不是一個愛食甜品, 愛品甜之人.
一條炸朱(古力), 太甜
一張朱(古力)椅, ok 甜
一環朱(古力)腸, 小甜

如果 Billy 沒有管++, 真不懂點這樣夢幻的菜式呢!
所以我經常同神講, billy 不懂送禮物, 也不太懂欣賞人家送我的禮物, 但神送我的這份禮物, Billy 由頭一天直到如今, 仍是歡歡喜喜的 :)

求主你保守我們, 今年由每日一起祈禱進步到有每日一起讀經. 啊們!

生日會(1) 禮記

小時侯好羨慕那些在麥當勞開生日會的朋友, 上周表侄生日, 弄了一個生日派對. 派對過後, 回家路上問管++,"你細個除你以外, 你那些表哥表姐有沒有開派對?"
管++,"這么久以前, 都忘了"
billy,"我們家不喜歡這么多人的, 也沒有什么特別的禮物, 食一餐好一點的就是了."
我跟小得同一天生日, 但通常我們都忘了! 還有老佛爺, 她不知為何, 有兩個生日, 她也不想生日提醒她又大一歲, 所以也不會慶祝.

在香港, 通常是考試高分收禮物, 鐵甲人, 四驅車, 書, 紅白機遊戲帶, 生日通常一家人食餐好小小, 收利市.

去到南非, 就便加是永遠收利市了. 收到利市後的指定動作, 是盡快放入銀行, 等利息好位, 就做定期. 當年南非高息, 13.5厘, 每季計一次息. 基本上不用像今天, 每賺多 1% 都要嘔心嚦血.
短短五年, 一有就儲, 加上利疊利, 身家增長了五倍.
其實我樣樣都有, 並且有餘, 每次老佛爺問我要什么賞賜, 都想不出. 永遠是買書又或者什么什么美食.

或者這就養成 billy 只會送 gift cards 的沉悶罷! (已經大躍進, 早十年你休想收到由 billy 送出的禮物.)
每次要買什么給管++都頭痛. 幸而管++會通水, 不然要我估一定估錯. 即使旁敲側擊, 由於卅年都沒有這套 mindset, 相信要一段長時間才有丁點改善.

哈哈! 管++要等下.

不過管++有度好, 她說我寫情信好, 送情信比送禮多+分, 就送情信好了!
要 tiffany 首飾, 我送一手tiffany + co 比你?
要 starbucks 禮品, 我送100股 starbucks corp?
要去 disney world, 我給你一個充滿 magic return 的 the walts disney company?

到時你默想創世記第四章, 就會更明白神同該忍的送禮互動關係了. 看我多用心良苦, lol. (let me explain more when bilibala devotion reach Gensis la, for now, think!!)